Use the following link (Easychair) to submit your paper.
There are two categories of submissions:
A. Regular Papers: Submissions, not exceeding sixteen (16) pages using Springer’s LNCS format, should contain original research, and sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution. For papers reporting experimental results, authors are strongly encouraged to make their data available with their submission. Submissions reporting on case studies in an industrial context are strongly invited, and should describe details, weaknesses, and strengths in sufficient depth. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings or submission of material that has already been published elsewhere is not allowed. An appendix can be joined to the submissions providing additional material such as details on proofs or experiments. The appendix is not guaranteed to be read or taken into account by the reviewers and it should not contain information necessary to the understanding and the evaluation of the presented work.
B. Tool Presentations: Submissions, not exceeding six (6) pages using Springer’s LNCS format, should describe the implemented tool, its novel features, and possibly an experimental evaluation. A demonstration, in a separate demonstration session, is expected to accompany a tool presentation. Papers describing tools that have already been presented (in any conference) will be accepted only if significant and clear enhancements to the tool are reported and implemented. We strongly encourage authors to make their tools and benchmarks available with their submission.
Papers exceeding the stated maximum length run the risk of rejection without review. An appendix can be joined to the submissions providing additional material such as details on proofs or experiments. The appendix is not guaranteed to be read or taken into account by the reviewers and should not contain information necessary to the understanding and the evaluation of the presented work. Note that the page limit for submissions has been increased to 16 pages including references.
The review process will include a feedback/rebuttal period where authors will have the option to respond to reviewer comments.
Papers must be submitted in PDF format.